
Latest Event: Defending EU Enlargement

Brussels, March 27, 2009

The latest EEI event was well-visited and inspired many to participate in the discussion.

Fredrik Segerfeldt presented his paper.

MEP Elmar Brok was one of the commentators.

And so was MEP Vytautas Landsbergis, former President of Lithuania.

Are you the Intern the EEI Needs?

Brussels, March 25, 2009


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a think-tank that advocates the ideas of free enterprise and a free economy. The aim is to become a strong voice in the European debate and the Brussels arena.


The EEI publishes a series of Policy Papers, arranges seminars and conferences, runs the Free Enterprise Blog, builds relations in Brussels – and its representatives are frequent speakers at other events and commentators in the media.


The EEI has existed for a few years, and has lately started to expand its activities. In order to strengthen the EEI:s organizational capabilities as well as its permanent presence in Brussels, we are now looking for an intern.


The main tasks of the intern will be to organize events – contacting speakers, drafting invitations, reserving facilities, etc – and be present in the everyday Brussels seminar scene and build relations for the EEI.


Other tasks will be to manage day-to-day issues, from proof-reading to various administrative tasks. It is desirable if the intern has a great interest in economic and political ideas and can be proactive in proposing publications, events and media activities.


The candidate for intern should have an academic education, preferably in economics or political science. Previous experience in policy analysis and opinion-making activities is desirable. The intern should share the EEI:s basic ideas of free enterprise.


The office will be in central Brussels. It is positive if the candidate can assume the duties of an EEI Intern as soon as possible.


Please send your CV and a letter to EEI Research Director.

New EEI Policy Papewr: In Defence of EU Enlargement

Brussels, March 17, 2009

This morning, a new EEI Policy Paper was presented at a breakfast seminar at the Renaissance Hotel. It was introduced by EEI President Peter Jungen and hosted by

The author of the Paper, Fredrik Segerfeldt, delivered his message showing massive economic benefits from past enlargements and argued for further expansion of the EU.

Gunnar Hökmark, EEI Co-President and MEP, Elmar Brok, MEP, and Lars Brĺberg, Head of EU Affairs at the IKEA Group, were speakers, and a lively discussion followed.

There were many distinguished guests, including former Lithuanian President Vytautas Landsbergis.

Download the entire policy paper here (pdf) - >

In EU Observer: Do the Right Thing, Not Just Anything!

Brussels, March 5, 2009

Today, MEP and EEI Co-Chairman Gunnar Hökmark and EEI Research Director Johnny Munkhammar have a Comment in EU Observer arguing against protectionism and outlines five broad reform areas that European governments should focus on instead:

"First, support the global trading system and make a new attempt to reach an agreement within the Doha framework. Few things would benefit global confidence more than an agreement that creates a trustworthy framework for freer global trade. Since seven out of ten employed Europeans work in the services sector, it is especially important also to open up trade in services. The EU could unilaterally initiate agriculture policy reforms, to kick-start the process.

Second, realize that the old companies, products and jobs sometimes have to go. The car makers employ 2 million people in the EU, but 90 million are employed by SMEs. If we protect the old, we will prevent a lot of the new from emerging. Britain was the world?s leading car maker in 1955, but the decline could not be saved by massive subsidies and today car making is limited in Britain. Britain is a much wealthier country today.

Third, defend and extend the European single market. It has brought increased prosperity to European citizens, and led to the restructuring of the European business sector, which has made it more competitive. The single market is threatened when it should be expanded to more countries and new sectors - like health care.

Fourth, implement a general bank guarantee and introduce better regulation of financial markets. A bank guarantee is necessary to reinstate trust in the market and get lending going again. Financial markets need to be regulated, but simple and light. To a large extent, after all, the financial crisis was ignited by excessive regulation and government interventions in the US housing market.

Fifth, make way for the new. The global restructuring of production and employment is intensified in the crisis, and as the old inevitably goes, we have to open up for the new. The entrepreneurs that may create the new gazelle companies must no longer suffer from an overload of public bureaucracy and punitive taxes. Part of this must be increased spending on research and development - vastly better than car or agriculture subsidies."

Read the entire article here - >

Peter Jungen at the Center on Capitalism and Society

New York, February 20, 2009

The 6th Annual Conference of the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University, “Emerging from the Financial Crisis” took place in New York City on February 20th. A combination of distinguished policymakers, bankers, regulators, journalists, and academics met for the day. Members of the Center, including its Director, Edmund Phelps, and Foreign Members took key roles in the conference, as did Members of its Advisory Board and its Chairman, Peter Jungen, also EEI President.


The Hon. Paul Volcker, currently Chairing President ObamaÂ’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, was the luncheon speaker. The dinner speaker was the financier and philanthropist George Soros. Dr. Josef Ackerman, Chairman of Deutsche Bank, gave concluding remarks. Three Nobel Laureates, Robert Mundell and Joseph Stiglitz as well as Phelps, spoke during the dayÂ’s panels.


An immense range of views became apparent regarding the main causes of financial crisis and, correspondingly, what could be done to pull the economy out of it. There was debate on the kind of restructuring of the financial sector that was needed, and debate on the sorts of regulations the reformed system would require. There was a debate on whether the so-called global imbalances were the underlying cause and what adjustments to imbalances would be desirable.  Finally, there was a debate on the new administration's plans for public investment and job creation.


In coming weeks, the Center on Capitalism and Society intends to review these proposals and present a white paper for further debate about different options on what to do going forward to emerge from the financial crisis and regain the dynamism that the U.S. economy has lost.

George Soros, Edmund Phelps and Peter Jungen

Reforms That Make Us Stronger After the Crisis

St Petersburg, February 12, 2009

As governments in the Western world leap into more and more policies of subsidies and protectionism, there is a great need not just to act, but to launch measures that improve our prospects rather than weaken them.

EEI Research Director Johnny Munkhammar delivered a speech to students at the Moscow School of Political Studies on the topic of what should be avoided and what can be done instead.

Download the speech here - >

Internet Event

Brussels, January 28, 2009

The latest EEI publication was presented at an event held in the European Parliament, hosted by Gunnar Hökmark. Authors Johnny Munkhammar and Martin H Thelle spoke about the publication. MEP:s Syed Kamall and Valdis Dombrovskis were among those who commented.

Johnny Munkhammar also had a Comment in EU Observer relating to the new publication.

New publication: Let the Internet Flourish

Brussels, January 23, 2009

The EEI is launching a new policy paper, "Let the Internet Flourish: Why Overregulation of the Internet is Wrong For Europe", by EEI REsearch Director Johnny Munkhammar.

The Internet has transformed the world and the economy - and has increased prosperity. Thsi has been possible thanks to limited government interference and and few regulations.

In today's Europe, the EU is determining the future of the Internet. Sometimes, there seems to be an increasing eagerness to regulate. The message of the new publication is that the regulatory framework for tomorrow's Internet must preserve its fundamental freedom.

The paper also contains an analysis of how Sweden succeeded in becoming aleading ICT country, and calculations of how much broadband prices would increase with new regulation.

Download the paper here (pdf).

EEI Event on IP, ICT and Open Standards

Brussels, January 23, 2009

On Wednesday, January 21, the EEI had a luncheon seminar relating to ICT investments and competitiveness. There is currently pressures for the EU to adopt so called open standards, that is weak intellectual property, which raises questions about Europe's role in future ICT innovations.

EEI Deputy Chairman Gunnar Hökmark chaired the meeting, and speakers included Ken Duicatel form the European Commission, Laurent Lachal, Ovum, Nigel Gibbons, Unitech, and Per Werngren from IDE. It was well attended and discussions were open and engaging.

Jungen in Paris

Brussels, January 23, 2009

On January 8-9, a conference called "New world, new capitalism" was held in Paris. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, had invited, and the conference was introduced by fromer Prime Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Among the speakers were Nobel Laureates Edmund Phelps, Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz. Jean-Claude Trichet, Pascal Lamy and several Ministers of Finance also spoke. Peter Jungen, President of the EEI, also participated in the conference.

Mr Jungen was also interviewed in Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger about the conference, and it can be read here.

Happy Christmas!

Brussels, December 20, 2008

The financial crisis marked the end of 2008, making it a dramatic year for the global economy, and indeed for Europe. Many countries have now slid into recession, with many problems as a consequence. 2009 will most likely be a year with an economy that is developing very poorly, where some companies will close and there will be increased unemployment.

There will be a lot of discussion about the causes of the problems, and even more of course about solutions. It is always easy to do something fast that turns out wrong. Industry bailouts, for example, create public deficits, discriminate against new businesses, hinder change and they are contagious, because once one starts, many will follow.

During the latter half of 2008, EEI has increased its activities with a new publications and seminar series, and a presence at international events and in the media. We promote the values of free enterprise and competition, and a free economy. This becomes ever more important in times of crisis, because free enterprise is truly the way towards prosperity.

To a large extent, during 2009, the EEI will focus on developing and promoting free-market policies that will strengthen Europe and increase our chances to get out of the recession stronger. Hoping for a success for such ideas and for many interesting discussions and meetings during 2009, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Munkhammar in the FT

Brussels, December 20, 2008

The euro has provided Europe with more stability in the financial crisis, not least regarding foreign trade. Therefore the euro has become increasingly attractive for countries to adopt, and several countries have attempted to increase their pace to join. EEI Research Director was interviewed in the Financial Times in an article comparing Finland and Sweden in the financial crisis; one country with euro, one with a national currency.

Read the article here.

Peter Jungen Hosted Event With Bhagwati

Brussels, November 20th, 2008

On October 6th, EEI Chairman Peter Jungen hosted an event in Cologne, Germany, where the German version of In Defence of Globalisation by professor Jagdish Bhagwati was presented. Otto Graf Lambsdorff, former Minister of the Economy in West Germany, participated as a distinguished speaker too. Organiser was Amerika Haus e.V. NRW., where Mr Jungen is also a Board Member.

EEI in Tallinn, Estonia

Brussels, November 17th, 2008

EEI Research Director Johnny Munkhammar was a key note speaker at a major economic conference in tallinn, Estonia, called Re-Start. Read more about the conference here.

The second speaker, after Mr Munkhammar, was Siim Kallas, vice President of the European Commission. Other speakers included Bo Lundgren, General-Director of the Swedish National Debt Office, and Andrus Ansip, Prime Minister of Estonia.

Today, Mr Munkhammar aslo has a Comment at EU Observer relating to the G20 meeting and the financial crisis, and it can be read here.

New Publication: The Financial Crisis - a Gigantic Failure of Politics

Brussels, November 12th, 2008

Yesterday, a new EEI Policy Paper was presented at a seminar in Brussels, hosted by EEI Chairman Peter Jungen. EEI Research Director Johnny Munkhammar presented the Paper, and it was commented by MEP:s Wolf Klinz and Karsten Hoppenstedt. Here the Policy Paper can be downloaded, as a pdf. From the back text of the paper:

The financial crisis has shaken the global economy. Policymakers have had to focus on short-term crisis management. As time goes, it becomes increasingly important, however, to analyze the long-term picture.

Many have argued that this is a crisis of the free economy. Some hope that the liberalizations of the past 25 years will be rolled back and that governments will become more interventionist.

This publication provides the opposite analysis and message. The main conclusion is that the core of the crisis is rather a failure of governments and politicians. The US government required massive lending to people who could not afford to pay.

The publication is written by Johnny Munkhammar, Research Director at the EEI, and Nima Sanandaji, Managing Director at Captus, a think-tank. They describe how politicians, not free markets, created the crisis and argue that the bworld needs freer financial markets.

EEI in DC Examiner

Brussels, October 31st, 2008

The DC Examiner in Washington DC published an op-ed by EEI Research Director Johnny Munkhammar advising US Presidential candidates not to copy an old European model of government-run health care. Instead, he points to the successful health care reform in the Netherlands. Read the op-ed here.

EEI in Financial Times

Brussels, 27th of October, 2008

The Financial Times today publishes a letter by Johnny Munkhammar, Research Director at EEI, and Dick Kling, Senior Fellow, Timbro. It can be read below.

World needs less government intervention

Sir, You report (October 22) that President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has proposed the creation of European sovereign wealth funds. Using these funds - with capital from European taxpayers - European governments would increase ownership in companies.

The main purpose would be to avoid foreign ownership of European companies. There was, however, no reference to him pointing out any disadvantage with foreign ownership or of inflow of foreign capital.

Crises always tend to trigger more government intervention, such as this classic protectionist proposal. But President Sarkozy's analysis that this is a crisis of the free market is ill-founded, and such proposals would lay the foundation of the next crisis.

In fact, to a large extent, the financial crisis has been created by government intervention. The US government, on a massive scale, subsidised home loans to people who could not afford them; a risk no private entity would take in a free market.

The Fed lowered its interest rate to a mere 1 per cent after 2001, further contributing to a housing bubble. The US government intervened in financial markets by monetary policy, subsidies, state-owned companies and regulations. Will more of that solve anything?

The Chinese government has also contributed to the crisis. Using its increased income, it built SWFs that bought US securities. That way, China also contributed to the bubble - which has now burst.

Do we need the countries of the world participating in a race to see which can socialise its companies the most? What happened to the wide knowledge that private ownership enriches people and that private owners are better at running companies than governments?

The protectionism following the crisis of 1929 - and the subsequent dramatic drop in global trade in the 1930s - worsened the crisis and contributed to political extremism. Let's avoid making similar mistakes now. The world needs freer financial markets and less government intervention.

Johnny Munkhammar,

Research Director, European Enterprise Institute, Brussels, Belgium

Dick Kling,

Senior Fellow, Timbro, Stockholm, Sweden

New EEI Publication: Competition and Innovation

Brussels, 13th of October, 2008

The EEI has now launched the first publication in its new series of Policy Papers, dedicated to promoting the ideas of free enterprise and free competition.

It is written by Slovenian economist Rok Spruk and was presented by EEI Co-Chairman Gunnar Hökmark at an event arranged by the European Commission.

From "A Word From the Publisher" by EEI Chairman Peter Jungen:

The EEI now launches a new publications series, devoted to the values of free enterprise, free competition and free innovation. The aim is to inspire policymakers in Europe/>, as well as public opinion, by presenting well-founded facts and arguments.

The concepts of free enterprise, free competition and free enhanced innovation should not only be reserved for the business sector. Indeed, these are important features for all of society, and not only because business is the source of prosperity.

Many parts of society would benefit from more enterprise and competition, such as product markets, education and health care. In fact, these are forces of wealth creation wherever they are applied. Free competition spurs improvements in supply, quality and price.


From the Foreword by Research Director Johnny Munkhammar:


Innovations have always been of great importance for society’s progress and indeed wealth creation. The importance of railroads for industrialization or Henry Ford’s factory organization for mass production can hardly be overestimated.


But innovations mean so much more than just economics or machines. Innovations come from ideas and they may improve many parts of society. Logistical innovations can improve access and marketing innovations can increase information, for example. ...


The Lisbon Agenda set the aim for Europe to become the world’s most competitive and knowledge-based economy in the world. For Europe to be innovative enough to reach that aim, obstacles to free enterprise, competition and R&D must be abolished.


European countries can learn from each other, looking at success stories and avoiding mistakes. And the EU can continue liberalizations in the single market, not least for services which are in need of innovation, and avoiding new regulations.


Download the publication <a href=/blog/pdf/CompetitionInnovationEEI.pdf>here</a> (pdf).

EEI at the 2008 European Resource Bank, Tblisi, Georgia

Brussels, 10th of Ocober, 2008

EEI Chairman Peter Jungen and EEI Research Director Johnny Munkhammar partcipated in the 2008 European Resource Bank, an annual conference for free-market think-tanks, this year in Tblisi.

Mr Jungen spokea about the need for think-tanks to work together, and Mr Munkhammar spoke together with the Georgian Prime Minister Lado Gurgenidze, at the introductory reception.

Mr Munkhammar also had the pleasure to read a mesdsage from Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt to the ERB participants:

Let me congratulate the organizers of the European Resource Bank for having chosen Georgia as the location for the 2008 event.

Indeed, Georgia has in recent years been a beacon of reform in the spirit argued by the think-tanks participating in the ERB. It has fought corruption, improved democracy and increased economic freedom radically – with great results.

This is a development that must not only be allowed to continue. In fact, it should inspire other countries.

The centre-right think-tanks of the European Resource Bank perform many important tasks, such as inspiring the policy debate in a free-market direction. Pulling off the event in Georgia despite the Russian aggression can also be seen as a commendable defense of freedom.

With my best wishes for a successful conference

Carl Bildt

Foreign Minister of Sweden

EEI at the European Ideas Network Summer University

Brussels, 20th of September 2008

The EEI was represented by its Chairman, Peter Jungen, and Senior Fellow, Johnny Munkhammar, at the European Ideas Network Summer University in Fiuggi, Italy.

Peter Jungen participated in an introductory panel on Europe, the Global Economy and Its Future. Johnny Munkhammar was the guest speaker about public sector reform - his speech can be read here.

The dinner featured Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who said he was happy to receive a copy of Mr Munkhammar's book The Guide to Reform.

EEI at Mont Pelerin Society 2008 in Tokyo

Brussels, 20th of September 2008

EEI Chairman Peter Jungen and Senior Fellow Johnny Munkhammar attended the annual Mont Pelerin Society meeting in Tokyo. Topics covered at the meeting included biotechnology and ethics, global warming, health care and information tecnhology. The list of speakers included Chzech President Vaclav Klaus and Nobel Laureate Gary Becker - with Mr Jungen below.

External Activities

Brussels, 4th of September 2008

EEI vice chairman Gunnar Hökmark and Senior Fellow Johnny Munkhammar had a letter in the International Herald Tribune about European lessons from the development in Georgia. It can be read here.

Munkhammar will also represent the EEI at the annual Mont Peletrin Society meeting in Tokyo, September 7-12. And he will speak at the European Ideas Network Summer University in Italy, September 19. The speakers list also includes French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Georgia: Lessons for Europe

Brussels, 14th August 2008

On August 7, Russia provoked a long-awaited opportunity to use military force against Georgia, claiming they had to protect Russians in Georgia. The aggression violated the sovereignty of Georgia and implied indirectly that this can happen to any country where there are Russians present.

There had been signs for months that the new and more authoritarian Russia wanted to stop Georgia to follow its own path. Obviously, the Russian government did not approve of the policies of the Georgian Government to, for example, join NATO and the EU. Russia seeks to dominate its neighbors by force.

Gunnar Hökmark, MEP and Co-President of the EEI, and Johnny Munkhammar, Senior Fellow, EEI, believe that this offers important lessons for Europe:

Europe has to be united and firm during the following political process, a cease-fire is not enough, Russian troops has to leave Georgia, says Gunnar Hökmark. Europe must be strong and pursue European values abroad.

Georgia has been an amazing reform country and must be allowed to continue its successful path, says Johnny Munkhammar. Europe has to continue reforming to increase its economic strength-and it has to reform energy to become more self- sufficient.

Jerzy Samborski resigns from the function of the Executive Director of EEI

Brussels, 25th June 2008

Jerzy Samborski, co-founder of the European Enterprise Institute, has resigned from the post of the Executive Director of the EEI; whereas he still remains its Vice President.

During his two-years tenure at the post of the Executive Director, Jerzy Samborski – through organizing large number of events, publications, internship activities, co-operation with distinguish personalities and leading organizations - has upgraded the European Enterprise Institute to the level of highly recognized and esteemed European think tank (click on list of 2007 events).

According to the EEI Statutes the decisions on Mr. Samborski’s successor and other issues will be taken by the Board - with the majority of two third of its members’ votes - at its next meetings. Information related to this and other important issues will be published on the EEI website.

EEI Board Members discuss the future of the Institute

Brussels, 20th June 2008

Growing number of issues being covered by the European Enterprise Institute and the opportunities and challenges it is facing in the near and farer future became the main topic of the exchange of opinions among the members of the Board in the recent weeks. This includes the role and functions of the presidents as well as their responsibilities in the internal and public domains.

Tax Competition and Europe's Growth

A new debate on tax reform was co-hosted by Roger Helmer MEP, Adriatic Institute for Public Policy and European Enterprise Institute in the European Parliament in Brussels. This very well attended event with the participation of distinguished speakers from both sides of the Atlantic was another event organized together by the friendly organizations.

Brussels,27th May 2008

Moderated by Edward Lucas, Deputy Editor, International Section and Central and Eastern Europe Correspondent for "The Economist", debate included such issues as "The Batinovich Equitable Flat Tax versus Hall-Rabushka Flat Tax Model", "Tax Competition versus Tax Harmonization" and "Central and Eastern European States - Leaders of Flat Tax Race in Europe".

The list of panellists headed Robert Batinovich - leading proponent of the equitable flat tax, author of "Tax Reform for A Stronger America and founder, Glenborough Realty Trust and Dr. Daniel Mitchell, Senior Fellow, The Cato Institute and author, "The Flat Tax: Freedom, Fairness, Jobs and Growth". The hosts' part of the panel consisted of Roger Helmer MEP, UK, Natasha Srdoc, Founder and President, The Adriatic Institute for Public Policy and Jerzy Samborski, Executive Director and Vice President of the European Enterprise Institute. Lively discussion with distinguished crowd of attendees has brought additional value to the debate which lasted for more than four hours.

Working breakfast "The Guide to Reform"

Brussels, 15th of April

The EEI Co-President, Gunnar Hoekmark MEP hosted on 15th April in the Salon de Members of the European Parliament the Working Breakfast "The Guide to reform".
The key speaker was the author of the book "The Guide to Reform" Johnny Munkhammar, Senior Fellow of the European Enterprise Institute. The presentation was followed by discussion with the member of the audience(MEPs, representatives of the European Commission and NGOs).

About the book:
"Johnny Munkhammar examines the political obstacles to reform and identifies ways round them. He shows why reforms are needed and which direction they should take, drawing on the experiences of more than a dozen reformist countries. Munkhammar also dispels the myth that reform is invariably politically hazardous. Indeed, reform governments have almost always been re-elected - at least once. This book offers hands-on advice to policymakers, and shows them how to turn words into action."

For more information about the book please visit:

The 1st Luxembourg Foreign Trade Conference- Sovereign Wealth 'Friend or Foe?

Brussels, 8-9th April

The 1st Luxembourg Foreign Trade Conference was organised under the patronage of Mr. Jeannot Krecké, Luxembourg Minister of the Economy and Foreign Trade on 8&9 of April in Brussels. EEI President Peter Jungen participated to the panels "The global context - Sovereign Wealth and its contribution to the global economy" and "EU policy issues with regard to Sovereign Wealth".

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF), where concerns over political interference and the potential" for 'hot money' flows destabilising bond, equity and real estate markets, may have attracted the banner headlines recently, but the debate is both wider and deeper than that. Sovereign Wealth in its many forms (international reserves, public pension funds, state-owned enterprises or sovereign wealth funds) is an essential mechanism in today's modern global economy; it is also sufficiently significant in terms of value to examine implications for European markets and for trade agreements and trade relations.

Speakers at the conference were: Joaqufn Almunia, Member of the European Commission, Bader al-Saad, Managing Director, Kuwait Investment Authority, Dmitriy Pankin, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, David Wright, Deputy Director-General, DG Internal Market.

Crans Montana Forum-Sovereign Funds Parteners for Growth and Stability?

 Brussels, 2nd April 2008

EEI President Peter Jungen participated to the Crans Montana Forum that took place in Brussels on 2nd of April. The expected growth of the Sovereign Funds makes them important for the World Economy. This spring 2008 the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are expected to publish proposals for the "governance" of Sovereign Funds and for the policies of the recipient countries.

Speaking at the Forum were :Mr. Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Belgium, Mr. Joaquin Almunia European Commissioner, Economic and Financial Affairs, Mrs. Danuta HĂĽbner European Commissioner for Regional Policy.

For more information please visit:


Focus on Europe - The 2008 Index of Economic Freedom

Brussels, 13th February 2008/>

/>/>On 13th of February EEI co-organized with Adriatic Institute for Public Policy and The Heritage Foundation the event Focus on Europe/>. Highlighting the link between economic freedom and prosperity "The 2008 Index of Economic Freedom" (The 14th Annual Report, Published by The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation) shows a clearer picture of economic freedom of 162 countries. Key speakers at the event were the US/> Ambassador Terry Miller,Kyle  and the MEP`s Roger Helmer, MEP/>, UK/> and Dr. Syed Kamall, MEP/>, UK/>/>.

Congratulations to Josef A. Schumpeter

The European Enterprise Institute wishes to pay tribute to a man who's contribution has changed modern society by stressing the importance of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. If the post-war era was a Keynesian era we can say without exaggeration that since the 1980's we are experiencing a Schumpeterian Renaissance. February 8th, 2008 marks the 125 th Anniversary of Josef A. Schumpeter's birth. The European Enterprise Institute will honour Josef A. Schumpeter through particular events in 2008 which underline his ideas and thoughts for a modern Economy. All modern growth is explained by innovation!

Peter Jungen
President European Enterprise Institute

Competition - What It Has Done for Europe

Brussels, 31st January 2008

On the 31st January 2008 in the Salon de Members of the European Parliament the European Enterprise Institute organized Working Breakfast hosted by its Co-President, Gunnar Hoekmark MEP. The topic of the event was "Competition - What It Has Done for Europe" - the same as the recent EEI Policy Paper.

The key speaker (and the author of the brochure) was Johnny Munkhammar, whose lecture was received by 50-persons audience of MEPs, representatitives of the European Commission and leading European businessmen with great attention and which provoked lively discussion.

The Working Breakfast also served as a good opportunity for the EEI to announce that Johnny Munkhammar has accepted its invitation and became the Senior Fellow of the European Enterprise Institute. Mr. Munkhammar is an analyst and commentator specialising in political and economic affairs, more specifically free market reforms, globalisation, labour markets, European integration and foreign policy; he recently published another book - "The Guide to Reform".

1st Kuwait Global Forum

Brussels, 18th December 2007

EEI President Peter Jungen participated to the panel "Globalization and Development" of the 1ST KUWAIT GLOBAL FORUM. The forum has aimed to further develop the process or bringing EU and Kuwait closer together wýth the aim of strengthenign economic cooperation. Speaking at the Forum were H.E. Jose Manuel Barroso - President of the European Commission and H.H. Sheikh Nasser Al - Mohammed Al - Ahmed AL - SABAH - Prime Minister of Kuwait among many global businessmen and opinion-formers trying to foster and encourage a growing relationship with Kuwait.

Brochure KGF

Ways to increase support to education of entrepreneurship in the European Union

Brussels, 21st November 2007 

EEI dedicated this conference to increase efforts to build new entrepreneurial cultural in the EU. In the USA and many other countries, the individual taxpayers may decide to pay fraction of their income tax to such entities like foundations, think tanks, education centres. In the EU there is no such a common law; exceptions are to be spotted in some member states only. The discussants tried to find the answers to some questions like: Is there a chance to introduce such system in Europe? What institutions/organizations would benefit from it and who would be eligible to contribute to the scheme?

Discussing these issues were, among others: Ján Figel′, Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, Katerina Batzeli MEP, Jiri Plecity, Member of Cabinet of Vice-President GĂĽnter Verheugen, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission; Jan Muehlfeit, Chairman Europe Microsoft; Pauline Jansen, Director, BIZWorld Foundation; Annemarie Kaptein, Director, EDventure.

Passport to Trade: Working Across Cultures in the EU

Brussels, 17th October 2007

EEI co-organized the conference that gathered a variety of high level speakers which deal with the challenges of intercultural communication when doing business abroad and give a variety of case-studies, both informative and entertaining to illustrate the importance of different business cultures across Europe.

The awareness of the importance of understanding different business cultures is not appreciated sufficiently by SMEs and neither are the support mechanisms readily available to them. This is reflected in the dropping numbers of SME`s in the EU actively involved in exporting.

The ´Passport to Trade` project wants to inform SME`s about foreign business and cultural practices.

Speaking at the conference were: Ján FIGEL, Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth; Ingo Friedrich MEP, Honorary President of the SME UNION; Richard HILL, EU consultant and book author; Piia-Noora KAUPPI MEP, Vice-President of the SME UNION; Arnaldo ABRUZZINI, Secretary General of EUROCHAMBRES; Jerzy Samborski, Vice President and Executive Director of the European Enterprise Institute (EEI); Jane SILVER, PhD, Professorial Fellow, Enterprise Centre School of Computing, Science & Engineering University of Salford; Julia RIDSDALE-SAW, Stratex sprl, Passport to Trade project partner.

International Leaders Summit

Strategic Sessions on Economics, Energy, Justice, Regulation, Security,

 Taxation and Trade

Brussels, 10th-11th October 2007

EEI co-organized the Fourth Annual International Leaders Summit focusing on "The Future of Transatlantic Relations". The summit brought business, media communications, think tank and political leaders to focus on relevant and timely issues that strengthen the Transatlantic relationship. Peter Jungen, President of EEI, participated to the panel: "The Transatlantic Economy" and Jerzy Samborski, Executive Director, EEI participated to the panel "Energy Security: Seeking a Sound Energy Policy."

What Competition Has Done for Europe

Brussels, 11th September 2007

On the 11th of September 2007 European Enterprise Institute launched a new Policy Paper: "What Competition Has Done for Europe" by Johnny Munkhammar.

Co-President of the EEI Gunnar Hökmark, MEP made a short introduction highlighting the importance of competitions for Europe in the past, present and future.

The author of the book, Johnny Munkhammar showed us how competition has brought tremendous advantage for Europe and how it leaded to an economic development using theoretical, historical and comparative evidence. The areas where competition is needed and what European Union should do were the topics of major interest in the presentation.

The presentation was followed by round discussion moderated by Jerzy Samborski, Executive Director of the EEI.

EEI welcomes you to express your opinion about Johnny Munkhammar’s book as well as your comments and remarks related to the competition and its role in the world development. We will publish your texts in the “Opinions” rubrique; our intention is to invite discussants to the public debate on the subject with the participation of President Nicolaus Sarkozy.

More photos...

Through Education to Innovation

Krynica, Poland 6th September 2007

 Panel organized by European Enterprise Institute, Brussels

A key failure of the ablity of the EU to realise the Lisbon Strategy has been the distinct lack of progress on fostering a pan-European enterpreneurial culture. When the history of the EU is considered, especially in the case of the Eastern European Members, enterpreneurs and the entrepreneurial spirit they promote have experienced persecution and obstruction throught the Twentieth Century. In other parts of Europe Entrepreneurialism, where not explicitly proscribed, has as a concept been undervalued and under-utulised and under-promoted. It is essential that this detrimental reality is addressed.
Through education the European Union has the ability to realise the true potential of its citizens. Only though the mass engagement, experience and progression of private innovation and enterprise can the EU face the changes and challenges of the twenty-first century.
Jerzy Samborski - Vice-President and Executive Director, European Enterprise Institute, Brussels
Pauline Jansen - Chairwoman, BizzWorld, Holland
Jan Muehlfeit - Chairman, Europe Microsoft Corporation
Michał Seweryński - Minister of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Christian Weinberger - Head of Unit "Enterpreneurship" DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commision

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Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Breakfast

Brussels, 3rd July 2007

On the 3rd of July 2007 European Enterprise Institute Co-President Gunnar Hökmark MEP hosted a Working Breakfast on Alternative Dispute Resolution in the European Parliament. ADR is fast replacing the traditional lengthy process of litigation in commercial disputes: in London every year around 70-80% of such mediations settle within one to two days with a further 10-15% settling a few weeks later. It has been suggested by supporters that 'this efficient, effective and relatively cheap process has initiated a "global revolution" in dispute management. This hugely successful event brought together experts from across the field of ADR and featured speakers including Sharon Bowles MEP, Balazs Mellar from the Commission, Jacques Zeegers from the Mediations Service Banks-Credits and Investments and Jonathan Zuck President of the ACT.

Flexicurity Working Breakfast

Brussels, 27th June 2007

On the 27th of June European Enterprise Institute Board's Member Karin Riis Joergensen MEP hosted a Working Breakfast on Flexicurity in the European Parliament. With the Commission in the process of finalising its Communication on this controversial issue the EEI event took a broad cross-partisan approach; with speakers from the EPP-ED (Jacek Protasiewicz MEP), PSE (Ole Christensen MEP and Liberal (Karin Riss-Joergensen MEP) parties alongside Margeret Rudzki from EuroChambres. We also had the honour of welcoming Professor Ton Wilthagen, Flexicurity Rapporteur, who provided some welcome balance to proceedings!

European Enterprise Institute's award for 'The Greatest European Reformer 2007'

Brussels, 26th June 2007

This year's, EEI award was presented to Professor Leszek Balcerowicz in recognition for his contribution to both Poland and the European Union as a whole. A veteran of Solidarity and the engineer of the post-communist era "shock therapy" economic program, Prof. Balcerowicz has been credited with providing the foundations for the successful and stable growth of the Polish economy since its independence from the Warsaw Pact and the EEI was delighted to formally recognise the vital work of this pioneering European statesman. Speaking at the event were Professor Leszek Balcerowicz, co-President of EEI Gunnar Hökmark MEP, President Peter Jungen, the Chairman of the EPP-ED Wilfried Martens and the Executive Director of the EEI Jerzy Samborski.

EU Finding Study Visit to the Institutions of the European Union

Brussels, 25th - 29th July 2007

Between the 25th and the 29th of July the Education and Accreditation Program for European Union Staff and European Funds Advisors, in Partnership with the European Enterprise Institute, hosted a study visit designed to acquaint and familiarise participants with the application process for EU funding. Using past, present and planned funding application examples this visit was aimed specifically at European Funds advisers, public-private partnership schemes and local government agencies. The event also provided an excellent opportunity for networking through meetings with relevant representatives from the European Commission and Parliament.

EEI President addresses OECD conference in Paris

Paris, 22nd June 2007

On the 22nd June EEI President Peter Jungen participated in two panels at this key conference featuring experts, politicians and businessmen from around the world. Designed to discuss the challenges and opportunities for corporate governance in private equity-backed companies, both in OECD and non-OECD countries, this conference provided an important forum for the exchange of views and ideas in this developing field of CSG application.

Chris Horner’s lecture in PoznaĹ„

Poznań, 21st May 2007

On the 21 of May 2007 Christopher C. Horner, The EEI's Director of External Relations, delivered a lecture to the students and staff of PoznaĹ„'s universities and colleges entitled: "Global Warming: Politics and Policy". The event was co-organized with two international student's organisations: AEGEE Warsaw and Wielkopolskie Student's Forum Business Centre Club and was hosted by The PoznaĹ„ University of Technology. The event attracted about 250 participants, including Professor Tomasz Ĺodygowski, Prorector for Education at PoznaĹ„ University of Technology.

At the centre of the discussion were the causes of global warming and the solutions which could be undertaken to prevent it. No stranger to controversy Chris Horner tackled the issue of human responsibility for climate change and then outlined the reality behind the Kyoto Protocols. The commitment by Poland to ration carbon emissions was also discussed in detail.

The lecture was a great opportunity for students to fully grasp the importance of the subject and the variety of views and opinions surrounding it. The conference also served to raise many important issues for further discussion amongst the students.

Global Warming: Politics and Policy

The EEI's Director of External Relations Chris Horner will deliver a lecture to the students and staff of PoznaĹ„’s universities and colleges. This unprecendented event entitled: “Global Warming: Politics and Policy” has been organised by EEI in cooperation with the two main Polish student bodies (Wielokopolskie Student’s Forum Business Centre Club and AEGEE Warsaw). The lecture will take place on the 21 May at 17:00 at Politechnika PoznaĹ„ska (

EEI Essay Contest – II edition

The European Enterprise Institute has invited students from PoznaĹ„ to take part in an essay competition* on Global Warming entitled: “Climate Change: groundless hysteria or global disaster?”. The deadline is 31 of May 2007, the best essay will be published on the EEI website and the author will take part in a key international conferences held in Brussels at the expense of the EEI (date and the topic of the conference to be announced).

On the 22 May between 9:00-13:30 Chris Horner will be a key speaker at the Expopower Conference in Poznań, dedicated to Global Warming issues. Together with Chris Horner, speeches will be performed by leading scientists, polititians and businessmen.

*Taking part in the essey contest requires attendence either on the lecture of Chris Horner on 21 May or Conference 22 May 2007. Essey should be written in english and be no longer than 2-3 pages (600-900 words).

Working Breakfast

Brussels, 15th May 2007

The Co-President of the European Enterprise Institute Gunnar Hökmark MEP hosted a Working Breakfast on 'Ensuring Fairness: the Equal Application of EU Competition Legislation' in the European Parliament on 15th May. This event discussed pressing pan-European demands for standardised competition legislation enforcement in the energy sector and focused on the danger to European growth, stability and security of hesitant or unsubstantiated action. Speaking were Dr Alan Riley; a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales and a specialist in European Competition Law, Dr Frank Umbach; Resident Fellow of the DGAP responsible for Security Policies in the Asia-Pacific Program and previously assistant to the NATO Secretary General and Pawel Konzal, Brussels Director of the Polish energy company PGNiG. Participants included members of the European Commission, European Parliament, Business leaders and media.

Chris Horner addresses Climate Change Conference at European Parliament

Brussels, 18th April 2007

The EEI's Director of External Relations Chris Horner made a key-note address yesterday (18th April 2007) on 'Debunking the Kyoto Mythology' at the Conference for Counter Consensual Climate Change at the European Parliament in Brussels. No stranger to controversy Mr Horner explained in detail the reality behind the Kyoto Protocols, which in his opinion have both dominated and stagnated the global debate on climate change, and illustrated with his typical wit and erudition the real causes of U.S abstention.

Despite constant media coverage to the contrary the reality of Kyoto, explained Mr Horner, was that the U.S had signed the Protocol during the Clinton administration and that its lack of confirmation was due not to President Bush but instead to the absence of Senate ratification. Tackling the issue of condemnation for the U.S position, Mr Horner pointed out that whilst the U.S had supposedly been 'left behind' by its refusal to adopt Kyoto they were in fact alongside fifty-five other countries that had similarly not signed! Expanding on issues raised in his policy papers here at the EEI Mr Horner explored, in the light of so many abstentions, whether the Kyoto Protocols were in fact realistic.

A great success in providing a forum for counter-points to a predominantly one-sided debate yesterday's discussion, organised by Rodger Helmer MEP raised many important issues for further discussion.

Student, the Winner of the EEI Essay Contest Welcomed at the Brussels High Level Conference

Brussels, 27th March 2007

Mateusz Lacki, student of the Warsaw School of Economics, has won the trip to Brussels to participate at the conference organized by the SME UNION at the European Parliament "Challenges Facing SMEs in the New Member States" on Tuesday 27th March 2007. This was the award for the best essay related to the European Spirit of Entrepreneurship and the role of the Young generation on the future of Europe: "Young Generation - New Voice Europe". Mr. Lacki was welcomed by the President of the European Enterprise Institute in the presence of many distinguished speakers and guests, including Maive Rute, Director for Entrepreneurship of the European Commission and other high ranking EC officials, MEPs representing several EU member states. He was introduced to the former Prime Minister of Poland Jerzy Buzek, Polish Ambassador at the EU Jan Tombinski, Secretary General of UEAPME Hans-Werner Mueller and many other important persons. He was being looked after by the Head Office of the EEI, Magdalena Zelazny-Stoklosa, as well as by Nicole Cichetti and Kate Lech, the EEI interns.

The European Enterprise Institute has decided to extend the contest to the next month; the essays related to the European spirit of entrepreneurship will be published on the EEI website and the winner of the trip to Brussels Conference will be announced at the end of April. Students from all European countries are welcome.

Thunderbird Entrepreneur Center Adds Peter Jungen to board

MaGlendale, Ariz. USA, 26th March 2007

The Thunderbird Center for Global Entrepreneurship has named German entrepreneur and investor Peter Jungen to its Board of Directors. Jungen, chairman, owner and founder of Peter Jungen Holding of Köln, Germany, has investments in various industries and service related companies.

The Thunderbird Center for Global Entrepreneurship is charged with promoting the School’s commitment to developing global managers who are resourceful, innovative, and capable of pursuing new opportunities in uncertain environments. The Center also serves as an on-campus business incubator, providing seed money for student and faculty ventures and sponsoring competitions for global business launches, social venture business plans and global business planning.

“Peter Jungen’s background and international reputation among business entrepreneurs makes him an ideal addition to our Board,” said Robert Hisrich, director of the Center. “His presence will enhance our program and bring new opportunities to Thunderbird students and faculty.”

Winner of the EEI Essay Contest

Brussels, 19th March 2007

At the occasion of the Public Debate with the Warsaw Universities' Students the European Enterprise Institute invited them to take part in the contest on the best essay related to the European Spirit of Entrepreneurship and the role of the Young generation on the future of Europe: "Young Generation - New Voice Europe". The contest attracted many authors and for the Jury, presided by Peter Jungen, President of EEI, it was not easy task to chose the winner, who turned out to be Mr. Mateusz Lacki, student of the Warsaw School of Economics, for his essay :

"European Spirit of Entrepreneurship and the role Poland's young generation can play so Europe regain its leadership in the economy and social matters in the globalised word".

The author will take part at the international conference organized by the SME UNION at the European Parliament "Challenges Facing SMEs in the New Accession States" in Renaissance Hotel, Brussels on 27th March 2007 at the expense of the EEI.

„What Can German Presidency Do to Revitalise EU Economy?”

Warsaw, 13th March 2007

European Enterprise Institute (Brussels), UNICORN – European Union of Small and Medium Enterprises and of the Middle Class, together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Poland) organized at Warsaw Sheraton on Tuesday 13th March 2007 public debate which had been aimed to raise some questions which could be of some assistance to the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski who was to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her visit to Poland two days later on.
According to Black Coffee Meeting’ formula, only narrow group (40 persons) of the top level representatives of EU embassies, Polish Parliament, Government and industry, as well as the rectors of Warsaw universities was invited. Discussion, moderated by Peter Jungen, was tackling philosophical, cultural, and even moral and psychological matters rather than economy, i.e:

”What has happened to Europe that it has been lagging behind, now not only the US, but also of China and India?”

“Where there is the famous European intellectual power and entrepreneurship which brought the prosperity to fellow Europeans?”

“Can the current EU political elite, consisted of the old members states politicians, who ignore the newcomers, speed up the development of the EU economy?” “Is it not that the time has come that the New European Generation (Google Generation, and not those at their 50-70s) should get the helm of EU?”

As usually at the EEI debates, many discussants had opportunity to come out with their interventions and questions, among others they were Ambassadors of Austria – Alfred Laengle, Greece – Pantelis Carcabassis, Latvia – Alberts Sarkanis, Germany – Reinhard Schweppe, Slovakia – Frantisek Ruzicka, as well as Polish Deputy Minister of Economy - Marcin Korolec, Polish ex-Minister of Finance - PaweĹ‚ Wojciechowski, Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Stephan Raabe and many others. The honorary guest of the debate was Joachim Bitterlich, former Internal and Security Head Office Adviser of the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

Among distinguished guests were three students of Warsaw universities who have won the contest for most interesting intervention during the meeting at the Warsaw School of Economics which was held one day earlier.

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Young Generation - New Voice of Europe

Warsaw, 12th March 2007

On Monday, 12th March 2007, at Warsaw School of Economics, Peter Jungen gave the lecture and had a discussion with the students of Warsaw universities. The event (English spoken only, no interpretation was available), was co-organized with the renowned international students organisation the AEGEE and has attracted well above 100 young people.

The authors of the three most interesting interventions during lively debate which followed the lecture were elected by the public votes to represent the students at the Black Coffee Meeting – “Brussels Hot Issue” which was to be held by the EEI following day at the Warsaw Sheraton Hotel.

At the occasion of the Warsaw event the European Enterprise Institute invited Warsaw students to take part in the contest on the best essay related to the European Spirit of Entrepreneurship and the role of the Young generation on the future of Europe: "Young Generation - New Voice for Europe". The deadline is 18th March 2007, the best essay will be published on the EEI website and the author will take part at the international conference “Challenges Facing SMEs in the New Accession States” in Renaissance Hotel, Brussels on 27th March 2007 at the expense of the EEI.

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Public Debate: European Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Brussels, 6th February 2007

Professor Edmund Phelps, 2006 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, invited by Peter Jungen, President of the European Enterprise Institute (EEI), was the key speaker of the public debate on “European Spirit of Entrepreneurship-is it still alive?” This event was organized by EEI on 6 February 2007 in Brussels. Other speakers who participated in this event included: Jerzy Buzek MEP, Paul RĂĽbig MEP, James Elles MEP and Peter Jungen, who had the Welcoming Speech. The discussion panel was moderated by Gunnar Hökmark MEP - Co-President of EEI. Jerzy Samborski, Executive Director of EEI, had concluding remarks.

Professor Phelps in his speech chose to focus heavily on EU relations with the United States and Canada. Phelps explained differences in employment opportunities in the EU and the US and Canada, and mentioned the causes of varying levels of productivity. Phelps explained that he wants to see entrepreneurship advance in Europe as he has seen a growing number of young individuals start their own businesses. He briefly mentioned education in the EU and the US and Canada, and expressed his believes that higher education will advance Europe. He was answering questions and gave interviews to several newspapers and TV crews.

The debate attracted nearly 150 persons, including 13 MEPs, European Commission staff, and representatives of industry. As it shown, the spirit of the entrepreneurship, or rather its lack in Europe, requires deep and serious analyses as it has become the real problem, particularly of the social and cultural matter. Many participants expressed their wish to continue public discussion on that issue and European Enterprise Institute representatives promised its continuation.

Photographs and video recordings of the debate with some speeches and interventions will be available on the EEI website. The issue “European Spirit of Entrepreneurship” will be elaborated on, also in the form of on-line Forum, with strong support from politicians, business people and media; their participation already announced Jerzy Buzek MEP, Barbara Koelm-Lamprechter, Eline van de Broek, Lisa Maltagliati and many other distinguished personalities. His strong support for the debate organized by EEI, expressed also Vice President of the European Commission, Guenter Verheugen, Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry.

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International Conference

Brussels, 4th December 2006

EEI in cooperation with SMEUnion is organizing conference on 4th December in Brussels "The World of Micro-Enterprises:
Let them Start, Grow, Innovate & Employ!

London Protocol and the European Patent Litigation Agreement as a key incremental steps to encourage innovation in Europe. Brown-bag Lunch Debate

Brussels, 20th November 2006

Following the McCreevy consultation earlier this year on a future patent policy for Europe, the European Commission has committed to coming up with a new patent strategy before the end of 2006 and to prepare a more comprehensive IPR strategy in 2007, facilitating inter alia the circulation of innovative ideas. In the Communication announcing this timetable (COM(2006) 502 Final, 13 September 2006), the Commission called on the Member States to join in making the existing patent system more efficient by ratifying the London Protocol and advancing discussions on the European Patent Litigation Agreement. What are these instruments, and how can they help encourage innovation by European entrepreneurs, including SMEs?

On Monday 20th November 2006, at the Renaissance Hotel, the European Enterprise Institute hold the Brown-bag Lunch Debate at which its Key Speaker, Alain Strowel, Professor of Design and Trademark at the Universities of Brussels and Liege, briefed the audience on the above issues. (download the presentation) As the date of the event coincided with the Commissioner McCreevy Question Time scheduled for the following day, the meeting became a good occasion to refresh or /and update the knowledge of the most important issues the IP policy consists of. The moderator Peter Jungen, President of the EEI, in his introduction emphasized the difference between small and big companies in terms of innovation. While one is turning money into knowledge, called research and development, the other is turning knowledge into money usually accomplished by small and medium sized enterprises. SMEs often do not have the possible financial means to implement the patent for the investment. Moreover 90% of patent registry is not economically used so the current system of patent rights bloque the use of knowledge.

Alain Strowel pointed out that the main patent problem of Europe is the lack of a uniform litigation system and an overall procedure to obtain European patents. The increasing number of European Union languages also impede the process. The solutions are on the table: the European Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) and the London Protocol about translations of patent. EPLA implements a uniform procedure in order to get European patents and introduces a new international organisation, the European Patent Judiciary (EPJ) to decide on patent questions. The London Protocol goes further than EPLA as soon as it will be accepted by the Member States. Eight countries have to ratify it in order to come into force. From the three largest states regarding patents – Germany, UK and France – only the latter one has not yet given the green light because everyone is waiting for the upcomming elections next year. Altogether seven countries have ratified and the attention is drawn towards France. Amazing fact is that the average European Patent costs about 32 000 EUR but total cost reduction depends on the number of countries which will ratify it.

In the discussion many of the participants expressed their thoughts about the high costs of European Patent rights starting from the translation until the unique world wide patent rights system. In his concluding words Peter Jungen expressed his view that the first step for Europe should be the implementation of its own Community patent.

Going to Nairobi

For those interested in the "12th Conference of the Parties" to the UNFCCC, or COP-12, in Nairobi, we attach a Policy Note written by Chris Horner, EEI Policy Counsel. It addresses:

a) an update of EU Kyoto performance, reviewing and comparing prior claims, new language and the end-of-October EEA/Commission report;

b) the concept of the UK or EU bootstrapping California in to a Kyoto "Privileged Partnership" to sell credits (not that CA is likely to have any, but also this is not permissible under the current Kyoto agreement; if as always, the Kyotophiles decide that's no impediment then it does seem apparent if not to the UK that bringing in US States on their own, under more forgiving regimes and solely to sell "credits", relieves any argument for and pressure on Washington to join up -- quite the quandry);

c) the theorized CO2 "border tax adjustments" for energy-intensive goods aimed at easing the hit on EU competitiveness (the EU's "High Level Group rely on a pre-Kyoto, internally contradictory and wholly unpersuasive paper to argue it; the Policy Note assesses this and offers a detailed examination of the perils of the Shrimp-Turtle WTO precedent nonetheless, and note that this response calls in essence for the end of the WTO instead of simply addressing that which is harming the EU's competitiveness); and

d) this Waiting for Godot routine, pining for a President McCain or Hillary who will leap to sign up to a post-2012 Kyoto -- though no Senator even hints at such a desire, but only supports much weaker domestic legislation -- as part of the excuse-making for why the UNFCCC will be unable to get deeper commitments and on the planned timetable.

The Balance of Power and Diplomacy

Tel Aviv, 31st October 2006

Vice President of EEI Gunnar Hoekmark MEP participated in the conference at the Tel Aviv University on October 31, 2006 and he delivered the speech which was received with a great interest.

Download speech in pdf

Business Angels Investment Forum

Singapore, 30th October 2006

Peter Jungen was a Key Speaker at the Business Angels Investment Forum held on 30th October 2006 held as a part of Global Entrepolis @ Singapore 2006. He demonstrated that the most profitable route towards wealth creation in Asia and Europe lay in developing a high entrepreneur-friendly culture.

Peter Jungen meets Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Edmund Phelps

New York City, 25th October 2006

Peter Jungen, president of EEI met 2006 Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Edmund C. Phelps at the Columbia University in New York City on 25th October 2006 and invited him to the one of the next year events to be held by EEI in Brussels.
Professor Phelps has won the prize in economics for his influential work in explaining the complex relationship between unemployment and inflation in the making of economic policy.He developed economic models that challenged the conventional view in the 1950s and 1960s of a stable relationship between inflation and unemployment known as the Phillips Curve. In his research, Phelps demonstrated that the interaction of inflation and unemployment was much more complex, and that employment levels also depended heavily on the expectations that workers and employers held about future inflation.

The Transatlantic Relations 2010

Bornemouth, 2nd October 2006

Co-President of EEI Gunnar Hökmark MEP participated in the conference at the Conservative party congress in Bournemouth Monday, the 2nd of October 2006-10-02 and he delivered the speech which was received with a great interest.

Download speech in pdf

Poland's Energy Challenges

Warsaw - Zakopane - Katowice, 2nd - 6th October 2006

Jerzy Samborski, EEI Executive Director and Chris Horner, EEI Policy Counsel (USA) performed on 2nd – 6th October 2006 a tour on their Poland’s Energy Challenges project which included conferences, seminars and meetings with top Polish energy experts and politicians. Energy remains one of the hottest European Union issues and EEI tries to engage as many as possible main stakeholders to the public debate with the aim of finding the best solution in relation to the energy security as well as to the Green House Gas emission.

They also visited Polish renowned think tanks: the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw where they met its president, Dr. Ewa Balcerowicz and the Institute for Strategic Studies of Cracow with its president Anna Szymańska-Klich.

In Zakopane, famous mountains resort near equally famous Krynica, they participated in The Energy Technology – Today and Tomorrow” Conference organized by the the Economic Chamber of Energy and of the Environment’s Protection in co-operation with the Institute of the Chemical Utilization of Coal. Chris Horner presentation "Polish Energy Security Dilemma” was received with great interest and became a subject of hot discussion at the bone fire with live folk music and barbecue which followed the official gathering.

On 5th October 2006 the Black Coffee Meeting was organized together with Institute for Globalization in Katowice, the capital of coal and steel industry region – Silesia. Among the participants were Professor JĂłzef DubiĹ„ski, Executive Director of the Central Mining Institute and his deputy, Professor Krystyna Czaplicka-Kolarz, Piotr ZniszczoĹ‚ of JastrzÄ™bie Coal Company and other representatives of coal well as Dr. Tomasz Teluk who was co-hosting the event.

More than one hour lasted meeting in Warsaw with Piotr Naimski, Deputy Minister of Economics and his close advisers Mr. Pawel Konzal, and Mr. Przemysław Wipler. The meeting took place one hour after Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister left Polish capital and the discussion focused on Mr. Naimski field of his ministerial responsibility which is national energy security and, particularly, the diversification of resources.

The same subject and prospects of Polish MPs coming to Brussels to take part in broader discussion on energy was discussed with Andrzej Czerwiński MP, the Chairman of the Working Group on Energy of the Polish Parliament.

EuroPower Conference Grand Gala Reception at the Sheraton Hotel preceded conference itself which took place on 6th October 2006 with more than 400 participants. The panel Energy Security was dominated by the lively dispute between Professor Jerzy Buzek MEP, Chairman of the 7th Frame Programme Committee of the European Parliament and former Prime Minister of Poland and Christopher Horner who presented – very well received – lecture Poland’s Kyoto Bill comes due: The Choice: Replace Polish Coal with Russian Gas for Brussels, or Should Poland Instead Protect its Interests. European

Enterprise Institute plans further events and publications on the energy issue in the near future, including Brussels and other European member states.

Trans-Atlantic Action Platform?

Brussels, 18th September 2006

(Meeting sponsored by the European Enterprise Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute)

Several groups and policy contacts met on September 18 to discuss REACH and other issues for potential collaboration. We began with a discussion of REACH and its impacts and then discussed ways in which groups could impact policy. Basically, we focused on what are the access points for free-market groups to influence policy outcomes. Unfortunately, the opportunities for such advocacy appear to be quite limited. 


 Michelle Dastin-Van Rijn of the U.S. Mission to the EU provided some insights into discussions with the EU about the Better Regulation Task Force, regulatory impact assessments, and the potential for other policies that increase public input and promote accountability in government. This might be an area worth exploring … possible via policy papers written by groups in Europe on the need for greater accountability in government.


 The conversation then turned to media outreach. There was agreement that this area offers limited opportunities as well—in essence the media is largely captured and supports Brussels. Brussels media is particularly wedded to the EU institutions, meaning that it largely defends the status quo. The Wall Street Journal Europe might be an exception, but because it is an American publication its influence on EU policymakers is limited.


 Participants seemed to agree that the best way to reach policymakers was to contact them directly. In addition, media outreach is best focused at the nation-level where there were more opportunities, but with the understanding that challenges are still considerable.


 EEI president Peter Jungen offered some suggestions on a strategic approach. It contained three elements:


1) Start early-go direct. Policy groups need to go directly to policymakers at all levels: MEPs, Commission staff and policymakers, and council members. Such interactions should begin early in the process. For example, as the Commission begins to deliberate (this information can be found on the Commission Work plan) on an issue, free-market policy groups should begin a dialog. Then when the issue moves to the Parliament, free-market groups need to meet with the Rapateur and the Shadow Rapateur during the early days of debate. Groups need to develop relationships with DGs, MEPs, and National Reps.


 2) National Media Focus. Media outreach should be focused on national press—mostly trade press. Policy groups can coordinated research efforts and share research, but the each group needs to market the information at the national level in their own language, conducting outreach to local press and local policymakers. A considerable focus should be on national trade magazines.


 3) New groups/bigger coalitions. Need to organize some kind of “Trans-Atlantic Action Platform,” a group of think tanks in USA and Europe, which could jointly, quickly react to new political issues and therefore have bigger impact. To achieve this EEI proposes, as below:


 Next Steps:


 Ø EEI would like to host a larger seminar on how to facilitate this program. Focus will be on an upcoming initiative on which groups could focus their efforts. This issue should fit the criteria above: It needs to be early in its development. Possible topics discuss were working-time directive (although this may be too far along in the process) and an audio-visual services directive. EEI Executive Director Jerzy Samborski noted that good occasion could be the “EU Greatest Economy Transformers” big conference which EEI is planning in the late January 2007, an event showing the most innovative and brave persons who have dared to take risky decisions but the pushed the EU forward.

Ø In addition, Peter Jungen noted that we need to be taking the initiative on these things rather than responding to ongoing debates. Perhaps free-market groups should consider what policy they want to advance then try to market it to EU policymakers.

Ø Joint-multination meetings/coffees: It would be good for groups to meet in various places around Europe periodically for strategy sessions and networking. These might happen monthly or more frequently.

Ø Online meetings: another possibility for group networking might be online discussions.


During the lunch, at which the participants were honoured by the presence of C. Boyden Gray, US Ambassador to the EU, the discussion turned to why we were unable to get more policy groups to join in this meeting. Costs are likely an issue. In the future, we need to track meetings of free-market groups in Europe and do events in tandem with those events, to increase participation in this ad-hoc coalition.



 Angela Logomasini (CEI)

REACH puts EU competitiveness at risk concludes new EEI e-opinion

15th August, 2006

In a new EEI e-opinion published today with the European Enterprise Institute, Angela Logomasini director of risk and environmental policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington DC, outlines why the �by-now famous� REACH proposal risk undermining EU competitiveness without achieving substantial gains in health and environmental benefits. In her e-opinion Logomasini provides a challenge to some of the basic scientific assumptions that have driven the debate so far. Logomasini remarks that claims put forward in the public debate are of suspiciously poor quality where reports and statements are deliberately misinterpreted. She concludes that some data �.. is less reliable than gossip..� In order to access her arguments please follow this link.




The European Enterprise Institute is an independent non-party affiliated think tank. The EEI provides a platform for an opinionated policy debate on issues that affect European competitiveness and conditions for economic growth. The EEI does not take an institutional opinion on individual issues.

Peter Jungen about winning the argument over free and open markets

EEI President, Peter Jungen has published an article as one of the leading contributors to the European American Business 2006, published by the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce. In his article “keeping markets free” he outlined his view on how the argument over free markets should be won. Jungen states “..that in order for Europe and the US to succeed, we will need to embrace globalisation rather than oppose it..” and that we should “.. focus on our strengths rather than on our weakness..”. Other distinguished contributors to this edition are Carlos M Gutierrez, United States Secretary of Commerce and Günther Verheugen, vice-president of the European Commission. To read his arguments please follow this link.


The European Enterprise Institute is an independent non-party affiliated think tank. The EEI provides a platform for an opinionated policy debate on issues that affect European competitiveness and conditions for economic growth. The EEI does not take an institutional opinion on individual issues.

Tamed Capitalism- new EEI e-Opinion

July 18th, 2006

In this new EEI E-Opinion piece "Tamed capitalism" - competing on social responsibility" Pablo Nieto, researcher and journalist for the CSR Commission of the Spanish Accounting and Business Administration Association, provides a candid analysis of the future of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Nieto reflects on the long term impact of CSR over the relations between enterprises, consumers and the government. The subject has gained new attention after the recent European Commission Communication on Corporate Social Responsibility which emphasises the role of CSR as an important part of the revised Lisbon Strategy. The arguments put forward by Nieto lead him to the conclusion that CSR could become a way to keep European "social values" while, at the same time, boosting business freedom and free market relations. To access his arguments please follow this link.



The European Enterprise Institute is an independent non-party affiliated think tank. The EEI provides a platform for an opinionated policy debate on issues that affect European competitiveness and conditions for economic growth. The EEI does not take an institutional opinion on individual issues.


EEI Summer Board Meeting

Strasbourg, 3th July 2006

The EEI Summer Board Meeting took place in Strasbourg in the open restaurant on the river. Karin Riis-Jorgensen MEP, Peter Jungen, Gunnar Hökmark MEP, Jerzy Samborski were joined by Marcus Stober, Policy Director. The agenda of the meeting included the programme for the Autumn 2006 and the budget. The certain number of events and topics for publishing EEI policy papers were discussed and adopted.

3rd European Resource Bank Meeting in Vienna

Vienna, 30th June - 1st July 2006

The very succesful event - the 3rd European Resource Bank Meeting, held in Vienna on 30th June - 1st July 2006 and organized by Hayek Institute enjoyed the participation of almost 400 representatives of the think tanks and foundations from presence and key speech of the former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanjahu. EEI's Board members, Peter Jungen and Jerzy Samborski met the host of the conference, Secretary General of Hayek Institute.

Chris Horner on Polish radio

EEI's expert, Chris Horner appeared live on June 27th as a guest at Polish radio station Niepokalonow Radio for a discussion on energy dependence and the need for reforms of EU's energy policy.

EEI delegation received by Polish ministers

On June 26th a delegation from the EEI consisting of EEI President Peter Jungen, Executive Director and Board Member Jerzy Samborski and Director of External Relations Christopher Horner, had a meeting with the new Polish Minister of Finance Mr. Pawel Wojciechowski (first his day in the office and first ever visitors) and Defence Minister Mr. Radek Sikorski. At these separate meetings the new EEI work program was discussed and ways forward for a closer policy dialogue between European capitals and Brussels. Both ministers applauded this effort underlining the need for increased European debate in Poland.

Note: The European Enterprise Institute will as the first Brussels based think tank organise a series of policy events in Warsaw with the explicit aim to bringing the Brussels debate to Polish policymakers.

Successful EEI event in Warsaw

Warsaw, 26th June 2006

On June 26th the European Enterprise Institute organised a Black Coffee meeting in WarsawPoland. The event "Perspectives on EU Energy dependence- with a special view from WashingtonDC" featured some leading experts on the issue of energy security and EU's climate ambitions.

The event was well attended and gathered policy folks from media, academics, politics and business for an informal policy discussion. Present were amongst others, the Estonian Ambassador HE Ants Frosh, Senator Marek Rocki, former Polish Ambassador to Russia Stanislaw Ciosek and many representatives from Polish Ministries and Embassies in Warsaw. To access one of the presentations of the event please see here.

More photos...


About the EEI

The European Enterprise Institute is a non-party affiliated think tank based in Brussels. The EEI brings together leading policy experts, providing analysis and opinion on issues of competitiveness of the European Union. The EEI is organising events in Brussels and at a MembersState level.

European Enterprise Institute (EEI) launches new event concept in Warsaw

Brussels, 19th June 2006

As a part of its strategy to expand its activities to Member State level the EEI is launching its very sucessful Black Coffee meeting concept in Warsaw, Poland. The Black Coffee events are topical, short and offer candid possibilities for an informal exchange of views between its participants. For reasons of access the Black Coffee events are restricted to a small but high quality audience.

The Green Paper on Energy and Spring cut-outs of natural gas by Russia made the Energy a hot issue in Europe - but equally pertinent for USA and for other regions. At this inaugural meeting titled Perspectives on EU Energy dependence- With a special view from Washington the leading US Energy Expert, Chris Horner, will be a key speaker.

The meeting organized - first time in Warsaw - will take place on Monday 26th June 2006, at Warsaw Sheraton Hotel. Mr. Horner will be joined by, Peter Jungen, President of EEI for an exchange of views with the elite of Polish politicians, industry representatives, academia, diplomatic staff.

For more information about this event and future meetings please contact EEI Executive Director at +32 (0)2 289 64 20.

About the EEI


The European Enterprise Institute is a non-party affiliated think tank based in

Brussels. The EEI brings together leading policy experts, providing analysis and opinion on issues of competitiveness of the European Union. The EEI is organising events in Brussels and at a Members State level.

Reforming EU Antitrust Policy

May 22nd, 2006

Many economists have pointed out the necessity of a closer focus on consumer welfare in the implementation of competition policy. This is especially true in the case as regards abuse of dominance in competitive markets. In his paper Competition Policy: Toward a new approach, Federico Etro who heads the Intertic think tank, explains how anti-trust legislations needs to be revised as to allow innovative firms to compete in dynamic markets. To access his arguments please see here.


The European Enterprise Institute is an independent non-party affiliated think tank. The EEI provides a platform for an opinionated policy debate on issues that affect European competitiveness and conditions for economic growth. The EEI does not take an institutional opinion on individual issues.

Bad Credit History-new EEI paper

May 18th, 2006

Greenhouse gas allocation and emission figures released in late April and up through mid-May by European Member States and the Commission resulted in a collapse in the European carbon credit market. Significant over-supply of allocated credits sent the flagship of EU environmental policies, the European Trading System, into turmoil. But are the proper lessons being drawn from this chaos, and why should we expect to see it repeated in the future? In this EEI policy note Chris Horner, director of external relations at the EEI, explains the reasons for this dramatic turn of events. Horner foresees further market instability as prices tends to reflect administrative actions rather than market incentives. To access his arguments please follow this link.


The European Enterprise Institute is an independent non-party affiliated think tank. The EEI provides a platform for an opinionated policy debate on issues that affect European competitiveness and conditions for economic growth. The EEI does not take an institutional opinion on individual issues.

Geopolitics of Energy Security

Brussels, 10th May 2006

On May 10th former Russian PM Mikhail Kasyanov joined an EEI panel together with Erik Berglöf Chief economist at the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and Christian Cleutinx Director at the DG TREN at the European Commission to discuss the Geopolitics of Energy Security with a special view to the EU-Russia dialogue. For an EEI summary of the event please follow this link.

Please click on names to access Kasyanov, Berglöf and Cleutinx presentations.

More photos...


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

Former Russian PM to address EEI audience

The European Enterprise Institute is proud to announce that its next conference, which will be held on May 10th in Brussels, will address the EU-Russian relation providing insights into the very topical issue of security of supply. The discussion will address the ever-growing dependence of the European Union on Russian gas supplies and its policy implications.

In order provide some perspectives into this debate former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov has kindly agreed to provide his ideas on this very important strategic partnership. For more information about this event or for access please contact EEI.

New EEI Executive Director

Brussels May 15th, 2006

The seminar on the Geopolitics of Energy Security  (Event Report) organised by the European Enterprise Institute together with Mr. Ari Vatanen MEP on May 10th was the first event after EEIÂ’s new work plan was established under the management of the new Executive Director Mr. Jerzy Samborski. Mr. Samborski a well known Polish entrepreneur and vice-President of the SME-Union of the EPP have taken over the role as Executive Director from Mr.

Jacob Lund Nielsen who has left the EEI to work for Cabinet DN as a full-time partner. Mr. Samborski is a founding member of the European Enterprise Institute (more).

New EEI e-opinion: Parliament opens up a brighter future for services

March 2nd, 2006

On February 16th, 2006 the European Parliament was able to conclude its first reading of the bitterly disputed piece of legislation to open-up EuropeÂ’s service markets. The Services Directive has arguably caused one of the most bitter pan-European political fights in Europe during last few years. In a new e-opinion published today with the European Enterprise Institute Jonatan Henriksson argues that, in spite of its limitations in scope and depth of reforms compared to the original proposal, the Parliaments compromise will allow the European economy to benefit from better and freer trade in services. He concludes that this compromise presents the most realistic way forward for the EU as it advances towards a real common market in services.

To read Jonatan Henriksson's arguments please follow this link


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

Hökmark on the European Institute of Technology

February 28th, 2006

EEI co-President and Member of the European Parliament Gunnar Hökmark commented yesterday in a letter to FT the latest initiative by Commission Barroso on creating a European Institute of Technology. In his letter The EIT is not a bad idea, but it is not good enough, Hökmark said that the “..main problem of European research and science is the lack of funding rather than the lack of institutions.” In the same letter he also stated his intention to boost EU research by proposing a new key voucher that follows researchers when they chose to go to an institute or faculty in another member state to study and to pursue research.

To access Gunnar Hökmark’s arguments please follow this link


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

New office

As of February 2nd 2006 the European Enterprise Institute has taken-up new office space in the European quarters of Brussels. With this move new contact details applies:

European Enterprise Institute


Rue Belliard 15-17


1040, Brussels
Tel:+32(0)2 289 6420
Fax:+32(0)2 502 0441

We look forward to meeting you there!


Two new releases; European Enterprise Journal and Reding on .eu

December 15th, 2005

Today, the European Enterprise Institute releases a third edition of its policy journal the European Enterprise journal (EEJ). This edition features articles from distinguished authors such as Dr Alfred Finz, State Secretary for the Ministry of Finance in Austria and many other prominent writers. In this issue you will find reflections on topic ranging from the services, trade on to corporate social responsibility. The journal is available for free in an electronic version by following this link

In addition to this the EEI is proud to today present a new e-opinion. In her article the EU Commissioner for

Information Society Viviane Reding takes a closer look at the most recent effort to position the EU into the cyberspace. The new domain name .eu aims amongst other things to give “businesses a visible European identity and extend{s} their marketing reach to more of EuropeÂ’s 450 million citizens” while clearly also enhancing the EUÂ’s own visibility on the net. To read her full Opinion on this issue please click here.


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

New event report available online

On October 12th, 2005 the European Enterprise Institute hosted a Black Coffee meeting with Professor André Sapir from the Bruegel think tank on the European Social Model. Now it is possible to read a small summary of this event by following this link.

Liberalizing European defence markets

November 3rd, 2005

European defence markets are fragmented into 25 different entities in which few common rules are applied and national interest prevails over economic rationales. The European Commission is set to tackle this problem and in a Green Paper on the interpretation of art 296 published earlier on this year, an EU approach is discussed. In his article published today at TechCentral Station Marcus Stober commented that “..only real competition among industry players and an aggressive application of common procurement rules.. will provide real value for money for European taxpayers..”


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

New EEI policy paper: Is regulation key to happiness?

Today on October 21st, 2005 the EEI published its sixth Policy Paper in kind cooperation with CEPOS think tank in Denmark. Citizens’ satisfaction with life, or in a more general term, their ‘happiness’, has rapidly become one of the more influential parameters for measuring the success or failure of government policy and economic governance. It is often suggested that the average happiness of a population offers a better guideline for welfare-related policies than does measures of economic interventionism or the share of public transfers.

In his paper Life satisfaction: is there a role for policy? Christian Bjřrnskov from the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark examines why the populations of some countries are more satisfied than others. The author formulates the hypothesis whether government policy can affect the average subjective life satisfaction of the population. Based on cross-country comparisons, it is concluded that four types of policy are associated with life satisfaction:

1) growth-conducive policies in poor countries; 2) trade policy that furthers participation in globalization; 3) policies that affect the business climate; and 4) policies that limit government's share of total income.

Factors popularly associated with overall happiness such as democracy, redistribution or other public welfare interestingly receive no statistical support.

For comments or contact to author please contact EEI Director of Policy


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

EEI releases new report

October 20th, 2005

Today, The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) published the fifth report in its Policy Paper series. The policy paper EU-Kyoto: the gamblers dilemma is authored by EEI expert Christopher C. Horner and was presented at a pre-release event at the European Parliament earlier on this week.

At the event Mr. Horner said “If the EU wants to be serious about its climate ambitions a new approach – a plan B- needs to be accepted... The Laos agreement signed by some of the worlds major CO2 emitters earlier this year, offers such an alternative approach” Horner continued.

In his report Horner explores issues such as the EUÂ’s shifting 1990 baselines, burden sharing violations and their penalties, the shortage of GHG credits and provides a candid analysis over the shift in EU rhetoric after the Gleaneagles summit. 

In the report the question of penalties for non-compliance is explored in detail, posing the possibility of a “stability pact” scenario ignoring the Marrakech agreement which mandates disallowance of the emissions trading system (ETS).


Commenting the report Gunnar Hökmark EEI co-chair said that “The need to control the emissions of greenhouse gases makes it important that the international society lives up to its ambitions and not only talk about them. If the EU’s ambitious climate ambitions should be taken seriously and be successful, its targets and policies must be effective... This latest report challenges that assumption and provides therefore a wake-up call to policymakers who are serious about EU’s environmental leadership..” For more information please contact EEI Director of Policy.


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

EEI expert published in Financial Times

In a FT letter on August 31st Christopher C. Horner, Director of External Affairs, provided a reply to the FT article (US takes a piecemeal approach to Kyoto) published on August 26th. In his letter US rejection of Kyoto at heart of statesÂ’ climate pact, Mr. Horner argued that a US states sponsored climate pact bears no or little resemblance to the Kyoto protocol, as argued in the FT article. To see his arguments please follow this link

The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

Broken promises, hot air

Mr. Chris HornerÂ’s op-ed Broken promises, hot air provides a commentary to this weeks negotiations in Bonn regarding the future of Kyoto. In his article on May 16th 2005, Mr. Horner argues that the EU projects failure to live up to its own climate commitments and therefore should accept a re-thinking of the strategy of demanding absolute caps. To read his arguments please follow this link



The European Enterprise Institute is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional position on individual issues but activly encourages an opinionated dialogue.

The End of Unlimited Working Time - The beginning of Social Europe?

With the No votes in France and in the Netherlands overshadowing the political debate, EU ministers gathers today in Luxembourg to discuss the future of the EU Working Time directive. This disputed piece of legislation has become a point of division between the proponents of a more social Europe and the supporters of keeping the nation state to legislate on matters of social competence.

In his Opinion paper Jonathan Henriksson argues that this debate marks the “starting point for a political battle concerning “economic” contra “social” Europe and In this case, the outcome of the negotiations on the working time Directive could be a first indicator of the vision likely to finally prevail.” To access his arguments please download here.

Published: May 2nd, 2005


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

European biotech industry threatened by proposed UN regulatory system

In this new EEI Policy Paper Mr. Alan Oxley - who is former Australian Ambassador to GATT and Chairman- argues that EU competitiveness could be threatened by a currently discussed new UN regulatory system for genetic resources.

Background to the issue


On June 6-10, international diplomats and policy experts, including EU representatives, will gather in

Geneva for a meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). One of the issues to be discussed at the meeting is the creation of a new patent-based international regime to govern access- and benefit-sharing (ABS) of genetic resources.


Under current international law, governed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), biotech companies are free to make contracts with individual countries, obtaining the right to extract genetic resources in biodiverse areas and to use these resources in their product development. The proposed ABS regime would according to the EEI policy paper limit the freedom to make contracts by making it more difficult to obtain patents and by imposing obligations on biotech companies to share their future profits.


The present paper provides further background on this important issue and argues that a contract-based system is a better way to protect the worldÂ’s environment and biodiversity than the proposed patent-based ABS regime.


To access arguments please download here


Published: May 31st, 2005


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

What If France Say's No

- New Opinion online

In this latest Opinion, Johannes Jarlebring, expert on the European Constitutional Treaty, argues that a French no to the Constitution on May 29 would not result in an immediate search for a Plan B.” Rather, most Member States would go on as planned with their ratifications, while a few key parties would act strategically in order to maximise their benefits”, he argues.

Should France reject the treaty, this would put the U.K. in a position to decide on the future of the EU “… if the French say no, crucial decisions will be made by Tony Blair and the British citizens sometime next spring...” say’s Mr Jarlebring.


To access his arguments please follow this link
Published: 27-04-2005


Why Europe needs a workable solution to Software Patents

- New EEI Opinion Paper available online

Few pieces of legislation have been as disputed as the proposal for Directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions –or better known- as the "Software Patent Directive". In this Opinion Mr. Fredrik  Egrelius, a patent lawyer with Scania, outlines his views of why a software patent directive is important for European enterprises far beyond the software industry.

"In a market where inventions cannot be protected in order to yield a return on the invested resources, very few would be prepared to make those investments available", claims Egrelius in his Opinion.

To access his arguments please download the EEI Opinion Paper here.

Director of Policy published at TechCentral Station Europe

“ If the EU is serious about becoming the world's most competitive economy by 2010 - and despite all the evidence, we must still believe it is - it must unleash the innovative capacity of the European economy” says Stober in his article  From Inventions to Innovation which appeared at TechCentral Station Europe on 7th of April 2005.

For article please follow this link.


The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

New Opinion paper online



In this Opinion two economists Kurt Wickman from Gefle University and Christopher Lingle from the University of Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala, provides  new perspectives on the debate regarding transparency and accountability in democratic tax systems.



Modern systems are to a wide degree characterised by short-sighted decisions governed by special interests. This should according to the authors provide compelling arguments in favour of increased oversight on how tax payers money is being spent.



For access to their arguments please download paper here


EEI Expert in FT

Higher Energy Tax is the Answer

Horner Letter to the Financial Times
By Christopher C. Horner

January 23, 2004

Sir, Your editorial "Cutting carbon" (January 20) misstates the efficacy of carbon cap-and-trade schemes as "the most cost-effective way of reducing pollution.”

It is true that "the economic impacts of cap-and-trade programmes would be similar to those of a carbon tax: both would raise the cost of using carbon-based fossil fuels, lead to higher energy prices and impose costs on users and some suppliers of energy" (US Congressional Budget Office, "An Evaluation of Cap and Trade Programs for Reducing US GHG Emissions"). The FT's view that trading schemes are more cost-effective than simply increasing energy taxes, however, is not widely accepted by those who have studied the issue. Resources for the Future, the American centre-left think-tank, set forth precisely how and why cap-and-trade is far more costly than simply an energy tax in its report "Choosing Price or Quantity Controls for Greenhouse Gases.” It concluded that the "range of costs associated with the [cap-and-trade] . . . is almost four times higher than the highest cost outcome under the carbon tax". Such a "market mechanism" may be an efficient way to manage an emissions cap, but this is distinct from being the most cost-effective method of reducing emissions.

This should make the policy calculation a simple one. Given that increasing the price of energy is among the most regressive regulatory/tax burdens, policymakers truly concerned about "catastrophic anthropogenic global warming" and also about human standards of living, should advocate the approach less harmful to seniors and the poor and simply propose higher energy taxes. Instead, however, policymakers tend to promote more complex, far more expensive approaches for appearance purposes, regardless of the ancillary costs of that decision.

Demanding that policymakers address this reality head-on should force an examination of existing doubts about climate alarmism and its prescriptions, separating the green poseurs from those who seriously accept the doctrine they preach. This can only be a good thing for the debate.


Christopher C. Horner
(Director of External Relations
European Enterprise Institute)



The European Enterprise Institute (EEI) is a Brussels-based non-party affiliated think tank aiming to promote entrepreneurship in the EU policy community. The EEI does not have any institutional opinion on individual issues but actively encourages a policy dialogue between stakeholders.

European Enterprise Journal now available online

The January 2005 edition of the European Enterprise Journal now available online

The second issue of the European Enterprise Journal has arrived on the web!

In this edition focus is on two topics that are likely to stay at the forefront of  Brussels debate in for a long time to come: Lisbon and REACH.  We have asked writers to reconsider the Lisbon process, to think freely and suggest bold new ways to make the European economies the most competitive in the world by 2010.

Other contributions deal in depth with REACH – the EU directive on chemicals, which may have yet unprecedented economic implications for European producers, retailers and consumers alike.

We are particularly grateful for the contribution by newly appointed Commission President José Manuel Barroso, but also to a long list of other distinguished contributors. Don’t just take our word for it – you can download the European Enterprise Journal right here

Karin Riis-Jřrgensen MEP joins the EEI Executive Board


The Presidency of the European Enterprise Institute today invited Danish MEP Mrs. Karin Riis-Jřrgensen to become a Member of the EEI Executive Board with immediate effect.

Since elected to the European Parliament in 1994 Mrs. Riis-Jřrgensen has served with distinction on the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee and holds the position of Vice-Chairwoman of the Liberal group since 2002.

For more information please contact EEI Executive Director Jacob Lund Nielsen
or please see: Press Release

New Opinion Papers' available online

The European Enterprise Institute is proud to present two new Opinions papers on its website.

In the first Opinion Paper of the new year, Dr. Margo Thorning of the International Council for Capital Formation, gives her views on the outcome of the COP10 meeting in Buenos Aires and argues that a new tide of public opinion is rising in the debate surrounding the Kyoto Protocol.

For access: Climate Change Policy: the Tide of Public Opinion is turning. 

In the November Opinion Paper, now available online, the EEI Policy Director Marcus Stober explores the current debate on Obesity and an appropriate European approach to this growing problem.

For access: Information to consumers' key in fighting Obesity  

Your X-mas gift from the EEI: Santa just shipped our December Policy Paper !

José Pińera, President of the International Center for Pension Reform and Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute asks:

"Will the Pension Time Bomb sink the Euro?"

The population in Europe is aging and declining. A trend that could have been perfectly manageable with foresight could turn into a catastrophe given the increasing unfunded liabilities arising from pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) public pension programs. This situation is especially difficult in a continent where entitlements are deeply entrenched in a welfare state culture. Is the PAYGO pension system one of the gravest threats to the stability of the Euro.

For access to the report: PDF